Welcome to Leopold Learning Links

I have started this blog as a place to store the many WONDERFUL links I have found on the internet that teach or reinforce skills being taught in the classroom.  My hope is that teachers and parents will find the web easier to navigate by using the links found here.   Many of us in rural areas still have dial-up and every click eats away precious time that could be better spent.  I plan to give a brief description of each site so you will know if it fits your needs even before you click the link. Welcome to the wonderful world of online learning. When you click on the links on the side of the page you will go to a new page that has a blue underlined word or words.  Click the blue underlined words to go to the site described. 

Please leave me a comment if you liked the sites you tried.  Let me know your favorite learning link listed here.

Reading Sites

Here are a couple new reading sites to check out. 

http://reading.ecb.org/  Into the Book  is a site that gives step by step instruction in comprehension skills.  Very well done.  You need to sign in but only with a first name.  They give you a sign in password to use. Write it down and you can come back to finish saved work. 

Another great site is www.storylineonline.net   This site has actors reading children’s books aloud.  The illustrations are shown in a movie type format.  Excellent!

Scientific Method and More

Kids DO science begins with some basic activities about the scientific method and continues many, many more activities to reinforce science learning.  http://www.uga.edu/srel/kidsdoscience/kidsdoscience-fun.htm

Happy Thanksgiving


This is just a fun game for the holidays.  (Catch the turkeys and put them back in the truck.  You can buy some things to help you catch them but first you have to earn some money by catching a few turkeys. 

Turkey Panic

How much do you know about thanksgiving?  Find out here. Thanksgiving Quiz

Pumpkin Carving Time

Jack O’ Lanterns

 For a wonderful site that gives the history of the Jack-o-lantern and some pumpkin carving stencils go to History.com here